the people at the party 意味

  • パーティーに出席している人たち


        a party (of people):    a party (of people) 輩 やから
        party of the people:    庶民{しょみん}の政党{せいとう}
        party people:    パーティー好きな人々{ひとびと}
        people's party:    国民党{こくみんとう}
        24 hour party people:    {映画} : 24アワー?パーティ?ピープル◆英2002《監督》マイケル?ウィンターボトム《出演》スティーヴ?クーガン、レニー?ジェームズ
        botswana people's party:    ボツワナ人民党◆【略】BPP
        cambodian people's party:    カンボジア人民党◆【略】CPP
        convention people's party:    会議人民党◆【略】CPP
        indian people's party:    インド人民党◆ヒンドゥー至上主義◆【略】BJP◆【URL】
        lao people's revolutionary party:    ラオス人民革命党◆【略】LPRP
        meet people at a party:    パーティーで人と知り合う
        mongolian people's revolutionary party:    《the ~》モンゴル人民革命党◆社会主義政権時代の与党で、1990年に一党独裁を放棄。92年の新憲法下の議会(国民大会議)の自由選挙で圧勝するが、96年の国民大会議選挙で野党の民主連合に敗れる。党首ナンバリン?エンフバヤル
        national people's party:    民族人民党◆【略】NPP
        pakistan people's party:    パキスタン人民党◆【略】PPP
        people first party:    {組織} : 親民党◆台湾◆【URL】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 親民党◆2000年3月の総統選挙に無所属で出馬し、次点になった宋楚瑜が中心になって、総統選挙後の同月31日に結党。宋が主席の座に就いた。


  1. "the penultimate day of the month" 意味
  2. "the people" 意味
  3. "the people are beginning to murmur at these price rises" 意味
  4. "the people are unable to assemble openly to express their opinions about their government" 意味
  5. "the people around him are very competent" 意味
  6. "the people blocking his political ambitions mysteriously vanished" 意味
  7. "the people could not tolerate the military regime" 意味
  8. "the people filed slowly through the room that held the body" 意味
  9. "the people have given us a clear mandate" 意味
  10. "the people are unable to assemble openly to express their opinions about their government" 意味
  11. "the people around him are very competent" 意味
  12. "the people blocking his political ambitions mysteriously vanished" 意味
  13. "the people could not tolerate the military regime" 意味

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